Meth Abuse Symptoms, Signs, and Addiction Treatment

If you are concerned that you or a loved one are addicted to meth, American Addiction Centers (AAC) is here to help you learn more about meth addiction treatment. Contact AAC at to find out what treatments are available, payment options, insurance coverage, and more. However, consistently using meth damages the brain cells that produce dopamine, which can make it harder for the person to achieve the same high over time. As a result, the person has to take the drug more frequently, consume increasingly higher doses, or constantly change the way they take it, in order to achieve the same effect. Meth is widely abused throughout the US as it is cheaper than cocaine, its effects last longer, and it is easier to produce with household items.

meth abuse

How to Recognize and Treat Meth Addiction

For those with PTSD, CBT can help process trauma in a safe and controlled way. Treating meth addiction and PTSD together is important because these two problems are closely linked. A dual-diagnosis treatment program focuses on both issues at the same time. So, this helps people avoid the cycle of using meth to cope with PTSD. The goal of dual diagnosis is to treat both the addiction and the trauma in a way that gives the person the best chance for recovery. The most common drugs used to treat PTSD are medications that help manage anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.

  • However, methamphetamines are different than amphetamines because much higher amounts of methamphetamines are able to reach the brain which increases the potency.
  • Some users are covered in small sores, the result of obsessive skin-picking brought on by the hallucination of having bugs crawling beneath the skin, a disorder known as formication.
  • As the nation faces an accelerating overdose epidemic, these evolving use patterns demand an expanded, innovative community and health system responses.
  • In addition to medication, therapy plays a key role in treating PTSD.
  • You can have a toxic or deadly reaction when you take too much meth.
  • Although treatment outcomes are comparable to that of other chronic conditions, recovery is an ongoing process that can take time.
  • It’s a pill approved to treat ADHD, but doctors don’t prescribe it very often.

Subject Terms

Meth users report that after taking the drug they experience a sudden “rush” of pleasure or a prolonged sense of euphoria, as well as increased energy, focus, confidence, sexual prowess and feelings of desirability. However, after that first try, users require more and more of the drug to get that feeling again, and maintain it. With repeated use, methamphetamine exacts a toll on the mind and body, robbing users of their physical health and cognitive abilities, their libido and good looks, and their ability to experience pleasure.

meth abuse

Meth Overdose Symptoms

Group therapy provides a sense of community and support, which is important for recovery. Hearing others’ stories can help reduce feelings of isolation and shame. However, if someone with PTSD also experiences severe mood swings or emotional instability, doctors may ask, “What is the best mood stabilizer for PTSD?

Admissions Resources

Meth use can have both short- and long-term effects on people with PTSD. In the short term, meth gives a burst of energy and can temporarily make a person feel better. It may reduce feelings of anxiety and fear for a short time, which can feel like relief for someone struggling with PTSD.

Practicing relapse prevention and management techniques can help improve your chances of recovery in the long term. Although an intervention may motivate your loved one to seek treatment for an addiction, it could also have the opposite effect. Confrontation-style interventions can sometimes lead to shame, anger, or social withdrawal.

What is meth abuse?

Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Alcohol Use Disorder Since the effects of the drug start and fade quickly, people often take repeated doses in what is known as a binge and crash pattern. In fact, some people go on a “run,” which involves bingeing on the drug every few hours for several days at a time, without food or sleep. However, recreational use of meth is illegal because it is a highly addictive drug that impairs brain function and changes the person’s thoughts and actions. Edmund has an extensive background in addiction research and medical writing, working collaboratively with doctors, substance use disorder specialists, and clinical experts across all content on Recovered. If you believe that someone is experiencing a meth overdose, call 911 immediately.

meth abuse

“It is Russian roulette, pure and simple. And for a large portion of those who try it, their lives get destroyed.” In addition to affecting cognitive abilities, these changes in brain chemistry can lead to disturbing, even violent behavior. “When she was high, which was almost always, she had to be on the computer — diddling with programs to make them run faster, ordering freebies on the Internet,” writes Singer.

  • “I wanted to make beats and produce music, not sing or write,” he says.
  • It can also lead to more prominent brain damage that has been linked to an increased likelihood of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Unfortunately, what meth does to your body isn’t only creating a high.
  • However, if someone with PTSD also experiences severe mood swings or emotional instability, doctors may ask, “What is the best mood stabilizer for PTSD?

The person may feel euphoric or aggressive one moment and then deeply depressed or paranoid the next. An essential first step on the road to recovery is contacting drug rehab centers in WV that accept Medicaid. So, these facilities offer specialized programs to help individuals overcome their meth addiction and address PTSD trauma, providing the assistance required for sustained recovery.

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